Company data

Company name: Infinity Spa Srl
Registered office address: Via Pinzon 80 Bellaria Igea Marina 47814
PEC address:
Telephone: 0541 331050
REA number: 239199
Tax code: 04503250401
VAT number: 04503250401
Legal form: Limited liability company
Registration date: 05/03/2020
Last protocol date: 21/12/2024

Communication of reporting of public disbursements, in compliance with the obligations established by law 124/2017 and by Legislative Decree 34/2019. State aid and de minimis aid received are contained in the National Register of State aid pursuant to art. 52 of Law 234/2012 and can be consulted at the following link, inserting the field as a search key. TAX CODE: 04503250401